Thursday, May 5, 2011

so in contrast

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5 9, a large number of toad discovered in Mianzhu aboveboard migration, run over the road a lot, many people worried about earthquakes, how do you think television is it? is simply too talented! invited an expert 忽悠 all that is normal to move the toad migration was not necessarily associated with the earthquake may surroundings changed for the better, they rushed to the current residential areas, the move only hello ah, in short, the situation is eminent, paradise Xiang Rui Yunyun, people said angrily: reserve a jug of experts works as raising a few toads. May 9, Jiangsu Province Taizhou city of eastern bridge suddenly emerged on the dense mass of tens of thousands of mini toads. These small toads from the bridge of the old canal climbed through Young, and by a climb up the bridge ramp. on the bridge, a small Toad teeth lined up along the road,shanghai escort, a powerful long queue to the other side of the bridge climbing, orderly, and the scene spectacular. According to experts, this strange phenomenon is chiefly due to the recent water hypoxia , a large number of small toads to find a new alive space, only the collective migration. (May 9 People's Network)
The frog is a near friend of mankind, which not only sing in the spring and summer, on-time forecast of the ploughing season as farmers, but also in the food chain to doing for cylinder called toad sweat, and presently there will be cumbersome rain. oxygen, water everywhere is polluted in the face of the reality, The river has all been crystal clear, immediately they are contaminated for it is! deserving to the excessive influence of sewage plant upwards, smelly dark overnight, thousands of fish died suddenly an night, the environmental protection division in the investigation. ; Wash rice and vegetables sixties; seventies drinking irrigation; bad eighties; nineties fish Marie. a diversity of creatures, including frog general treasure of always mankind. Each category extinct, many species are harbingers of impending decease. exist on Earth in the top ten threats, serious pollution of rill water among the top 1st, fewer and less water resources, impair aquatic beasts and people health. protect the frog is to protect ourselves, not fair students in a superb essay of aphorisms, when the nature of the pollution incidents, pollution incidents, the time to pay painful cost for return our common heating
3 months: When we showed the knife to face challenges of sovereignty
4 months: the humiliation we underwent no turning back when the blaze
4 months: When the virus is swallowed up of life we ​​love to make up
April 28: When the train trails out of our dedication to assist
5 12: Split Earth when we shook the provision of road
mountains fuel, China!
the Chinese people to unite and rejuvenate the Chinese country, ghost block kill the ghosts, stop hack Buddha Buddha!
one eventful year for China this year, let us congratulate nation safe!
days will drip any country in Sri Lanka also, we must first under the snow, up their prices or their stock mall, grasp the torch, buffet the train, shock of their land, then the Olympic success, to retrieve Taiwan, Japan surrendered, the U.S. division, the European war, Chinese rule the roost!
want to know more of China and the world political hot entertainment news, smart pictures Click
with Chairman, Vice-Chairmen, Members of the magistrates, discriminated in the Standing Committee, Central Committee Members, discriminated party, discriminated guests and work colleagues, party members: all good!
At this moment, standing here, facing you, facing the portrait of Sun Yat-sen Prime Minister and the party flag, the heart is really fraught with feeling, feeling and infinite.
I think I faced, in fact, Chinese Nationalist Party 110 years of tradition and prestige, devotion and mash, frustrated and muddled, adhere to and duty. I faced, it is a historical site.
In this scene, we made the commitment and efforts will change the future destiny of the Chinese Kuomintang, Taiwan's destiny, the destiny of the Republic of China.
We appreciate the President even five years antecedent to make the democratic reforms of party member, the KMT have the opportunity to show his confidence and vitality, while We are also thankful to President Wang, for his election, a male of warfare attach, only the prestige of the KMT chairman in even the the maximum point.
【Glory to the party's staff and members】
I wish to thank all the party workmen and colleagues, because we put the party chairmanship election is just, just and open, that makes what I said , and so the effectiveness can be demonstrated. According to the United Daily News survey on July 17 percent of Sixty-three people and eighty-three percent of KMT members that the election is fair; seventy percent Four national and ninety-six percent of KMT members of the election results were satisfactory; more importantly, KMT Chairman Lien visited the mainland before the opinion is thirty-seven% satisfaction, dissatisfaction is forty III; But even the President visit to the mainland in the back, to the satisfaction of public opinion reversed, to become forty-three% satisfaction, dissatisfaction into thirty-seven%; after a distinction of twelve points.
then party chairman after the election, satisfaction also rose to forty-nine%, dissatisfaction fell to xxvi. after twenty-three ratio points difference, which is two thousand years since the party circular for years, the KMT's most classic moment. These are the efforts of you party members to partake and actively promote the results, we owe it to ourselves to encourage a palm.
】 【move people demand reform in the end why our
Party members over fifty percentage of voter turnout, why the party chairman afterward the election, the KMT itself and outside the KMT's impetus like to improve? I calculate the most important cause is that this century-old KMT dare to open up the plenary party, so that one vote, one vote of all party members to pick their own party chairman; this with the DPP, they are specified at the political strongman nominees sprinting for the same amount, less than two percent of the undemocratic practices of low turnout, the formation of strong contrast, this is our key to win support.
Second, whether President Wang alternatively I, which are made in the voting is not the same, they are compliant participation and involvement,shanghai massage, their eagerness, energy and confidence to show it.
Why? because over the past five years, we are also harsh, also painful, you must dislike the blue and the KMT iron Indignation and not Chenggang quite tall expectations; depressed for five years also look inward to the KMT in Taiwan society, it can actually cheer up, to play the role of a good opposition party, the ruling party made actually effective supervision; people look inward to an inclusive and broad KMT role of political parties to decide battles; people look forward to the KMT in a rational and peaceful neatness, you can control the DPP's populist; people look forward to justify the Nationalist Republic of China, opposition the ***, so that both sides preserve a peaceable and stable location; People really look inward to the KMT reform, elimination of corruption and become a decent, clean,1.5 above either sides of the expressway reserved as Drive, honest, a fighting party. This is the future task of the KMT, but also the challenge of my inevitable.
【This is the worst of times 】
British novelist who wrote, a democratic rule of statute, but we run into one of the least attention to the leader of democracy and the rule of law; in the community should maintain impartiality of the electoral authorities, schools, the media, have been manipulated to lose their reputation; Gengrang people ascertain outrageous is that agent brains of state comprised in a important shooting cases in the field is devastated, the attackers dead, ferocious pistol missing, there is no direct evidence, the circumstance of family naturalness, was skillful to affirm closed, this is a democratic rule of law phenomenon you should have?
We can also look the other is our economy the worst in five years to Taiwan's economy growth is the lowest in fifty years, we have the highest digit of jobless is fifty years, we the largest number of suicides is the past fifty years, and the entity that makes us sorrowful is that in two thousand years when the ruling party, South Korea's per capita income is also less our four thousand greenbacks, this year they have more than us; we should not forget to 8 years ago when the Asian economy crisis, South Korea, pathetic muff, financial bad to have to work to the International Monetary Fund to take over the point where South Korea is now up; in the eastern economic crisis, Taiwan's Council for Economic Planning, the KMT vice Under the leading of President Vincent Siew, we can maintain the 4.6 percent economic growth, so in contrast, the KMT-led government was not afraid of the economic crisis, as we stabilize the housing, and the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party government to the hands of a , we actually make South Korea more than us, and we had a chance in a decade of economic growth to catch up with Greece, Spain and Italy, but the DPP government allows the Taiwan's economy beyond and further away.
principally Lien After the visit to the mainland because of Taiwan fruits to the mainland to enhance open, and the mainland to come to Taiwan for the Taiwan people have a lot of opportunities, but we look at the DPP government to do what? Government has not brought the KMT results, then proceed to implement, but everywhere restrictions, the DPP administration is fearful of the KMT to ?
talk about our freedom of the press, the DPP's founding ancestors to martyrdom in order to shield freedom of the reception of Health, Chen Shui-bian has said, rather to the media, not government; but now we see how the treatment of the DPP government media? agree in and a free press, we have democracy? This will make many of the older generation struggle for Taiwanese democracy ashamed.
【This is the best of times】
While this is the worst of times, and most agreeable times. Why? First, the Prime Minister Zhongshan in the revolution, he has what? no fiscal resources and manpower. But now the KMT has a million members approximately the earth skirmish, we have the country's aptitude, talent, experience, profession . Ladies and gentlemen, this is the strength of our comeback.
more importantly, for the ruling party's haughty incompetence, Taiwan began to realize that, and they do not half-trillion five-year balloon, they ambition real meat, they permanence of the work, they must a better life, the KMT will have a become this time, people die, people look governance, this is the opportunity the KMT.
people to implement democracy, and they understand you do no do to substitutions . Therefore, the DPP did not, we must face the dare of alteration in ruling parties; that namely, whether the KMT did well, we have the chance to replace it; we ought be concerned approximately namely not there anybody resources, merely there is not decision! not namely we panic there is not oppression, yet we have the bravery to see at! as long as we are resolved to reform and push amenable, we believe namely control over resources, constantly oppression aboard the DPP to us under the threat and they tin make a comeback and they can triumph assist of the people.
【seven characteristic as the need to reform the KMT】
here, I proposed reform of the KMT's 7 perfected and you encourage each other.
First, we should cling to the central idea of ​​the so-called centre
Thought is the father of Will: Three People's Principles. starting from the Three People's Principles, we must defend the Three People's Principles, and resolutely opposed to ***, we want to discard the Chinese Communists one country, we will go our way to go.
Second, we to deepen democracy among the celebration
want to party legislature, the party's framework more democratic, and we hope the KMT can further be a real democratic political party. Therefore, public opinion in mandate to expand the Central Standing Committee, we hope you can party directly elected from among members of the Central Standing Committee; while also giving the Central Standing Committee, respectively, the central committee and party, they and the related local area of ​​responsibility, so the future can be opened for each area of ​​responsibility of our satisfactory results. As for the cities and counties The chairman of the party headquarters, the Central Standing Committee has accepted in March this year, instantly elected by party members. these reforms, we will rectify the party constitution and the supporting amounts ready, it begins to implement.
Third, we must expand the pedestal of the party
pool party accordance that we single were not enough, final year's electoral votes blue and green sides are about 6.5 million votes, we are only one million party members, how do we fight for more than five million increased votes? Therefore, we have to fight voters, how do we fight for sway voters? We want to activity a muscular, but the character of reasonable opposition, not to oppose the disapproval, but the struggle, and we can not concession that. goal, we must establish itself as a chaste, clean, honest, a fighting compel, a good election machine, this way we can attract the support of voters.
the election of the Central Committee unprecedented warm, and many are actively canvassing party, supper and gift-giving occurred in the quondam the phenomenon, this time there, but many people told me from the quondam, has been greatly improved; I wish that we continue to amend, gifts mores gradually vanished.
another we have to increase young party members, you know, twenty to twenty-year-old is our weakest link, how to increase? I'm going to do, can be directly elected for a term of one year, the total head acting as the party's deputy chairman. thirty-one seats in the Standing Committee being also reserved a seat for young students, giving students the opportunity which the Standing Committee to enable students to see , a century-old is how it works. This is an important indicator of the Kuomintang younger.
Fourth, we have to activate the party's organizational
the future we hope to streamline the party, you can recruit a large number of volunteers, so that Chi Workers replace the party workers; but also to make unions Each of the districts of Taiwan must pay attention to, and I specifically requested creature in the Central Standing Committee, to retain a seat to the the product of the Central Standing Committee, make them feel the importance the CPC Central Committee for the grassroots. after the Central Standing Committee conference, I would like to invite party representatives heeding the hope that the Central Standing Committee meets monthly to the countryside, hoping the party chairman and the members each month to the village, the party's work peer discussion, and hope to area of ​​responsibility for the founding vice chairman of the Standing Committee, Central Committee, party officials and party members on a normal root with the basic machinery of interaction. E-mail President headquarters will be set, abbreviating and other counties Party the distance, really, It is a poise, but occasionally also a burden of party assets. I comprehend the situation in the after handling of a clear schedule set in 2008 prior to complete processing. the party would wait for the judicial part of the making squabble solution process if the misconduct, we are willing to donate, but we have a legitimate part of the holder or the sale, we will to do it. hope you can understand our citizen commitment to handle with party assets, but also called on the ruling party not to accustom improper method to inhibit our treatment of party assets. Meanwhile, the party workers to a standing ovation part of the Labor Standards Law than we give more favorable conditions for the devoted efforts of these comrades of the party, leaving the KMT to give more time appropriate attention.
Seventh, we must integrate the pan-blue parties
I always say there is no pan-blue grass-roots, but how to integrate? There are three principles, first, esteem public opinion, the second is to develop mutual believe, the first Third, establish a system. In this way, in the Congress, in the policy, the bill, in the elections, step by step to taper the distance between us. Finally, we hope that finally the three pan-blue parties to incorporate.
Also, I will spend time in the future, that belongs to the KMT's local paper, let everybody know thatthe KMT is not a foreign party, in 1897, something added an antique Revive China Society of Taiwan's political parties. if we can achieve these goal, said that it has built gainful conditions, have the opportunity to return to power in 2008.
But no material the opposition or in the future is now the ruling, must be to sink in Taiwan now to save over. I made four Index:
First, the honesty of the political battles
We hope that because political parties have no credibility occasioned by the situation can change. For more than a year ago, an abroad wanted the words, than the president, then more trust. president also said, rather to the media, not government, but we can see, he is rather to the government, not the media, we say that right? We want to see is that political figures according the way consistently. hope that the KMT can be the first to show good faith, the future of the party also must be playing for real. hope that every file and reports must be true, before they can get the confidence of party members and the people.
Secondly,shanghai escort, justice in this society
society has been the DPP will soon do a cut, and we should call for br> Today, Taiwan's economy continues to do if go on like this,shanghai massage, not to advert Paul IV, will have difficulty even Conservative. According to forecasts, this year can be up to three and three, that's beautiful good. and then like this, then, is not foreign to Taiwan, the country's investment does not increase, we must hurry to promote cross-strait straight flights, grant foreign investors to regard Taiwan as its Asia Pacific operations center, but also to Taiwan to Taiwan as its global actions center, Taiwan's economy this way just obtain up and save.
fourth, win-win cross-strait relations
We hope the two sides with the President and the five Chinese chairmen reached a common vision, the way of our future efforts, while the KMT in the future cross-strait policy on the one hand to adhere to the main body of the Republic of China, on the one hand to cross-strait truce as the goal, politically, economically and culturally, step by step to narrow the distance between the two sides, to Taiwan's long-term this is advantageous . I think the KMT is very strong cross-strait relations is a project, I hope my colleagues can be related to affirmative efforts to create a win-win situation, the KMT continued to score in this area.
Finally, I would like to report that I have peruse Sun Yat-sen in The most exciting segment of the will, that is, first, every time I read here, there is a very deep consciousness, because the father died when he was leaving, but also especially sharp advised his 4 years of the revolution the biggest lesson studied is to arouse people, and ally in the world to wait for my citizen level, a common struggle. Therefore, we absence to reform, to knit, to grow, but how to attain goals? is to be favor the father said, to arouse the people, the common struggle.
so Starting today, let us coil up their sleeves, put on shoes, steps, grass-roots level, to promote reform, to arouse the people, the common struggle, China and the world political hot entertainment news, beautiful pictures, please click

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