Thursday, May 5, 2011

the edible expense of additional bio-called manufactured purchaser.

Points on the fifth-grade science
1st unit the growth of bean sprouts by water, temperature,beijing escort, sunlight, nutrients and additional elements.
2, plant growth requires a certain environment, the environment changed when they will try to accustom to changes in the environment. that plants have a certain ability to adjust to the environment .
3, earthworms like to live in dark, watery environment.
4, a diversity of animals like living in a definite environment, different animals have different requirements on the environment.
5, bio survival in addition to certain normal environment, they are interdependent with every other, influence each other.
6, live animals, food is one of the most essential needs.
7, the food chain routinely begin from the green plants, to the termination of fierce carnivores.
8, if part of the biological community was devastated, the all equilibrium of the ecosystem will be lost.
9, dust is polluting the environment, jeopardize our lives, and bad climate. hunt Falcon is a citizen level to protect animals.
10, the world's first nature reserve - Yellowstone National Park. ② first nature reserve in China - Guangdong Dinghushan Nature Reserve.
11, in mandate to maintain ecological balance, we human beings should ① adore animals and not to injure them. ② protect the forest, not deforestation. ③ more built nature reserves to protect the treasure of flora and fauna. ④ protect grassland, rational grazing. ... ...
II to annotate the concept.
1, the food chain: biological link between this sort of relationship as the food, called food chain.
2, producers: the food shackle is called its biological production of food makers.
3 Consumer: food chain, instantly or indirectly, the food consumption of other bio-called manufactured consumer.
4, the food web: the same kind of plant will be different animals eat, the same animals can eat a variety of food, bio- This complicated relationship between the formation of a web of food building, called the food web.
5, eco-system: as the reservoir so that these organisms and non-living, interactive, interdependent, forming an inseparable whole We can think of them as an ecosystem. a forest, a lea, a lake, an ocean and so can be viewed as an ecosystem.
6, biological communities: an space of ​​biological in nature to form a harmonious balance the whole, called biomes.
three experimental chart.
* seed germination experiment
Experiment name: mung bean seeds need air you?
experimental material: 2 plastic plant boxes, mung bean seeds, paper towels, dropper, water, tags, sealed plastic bags, dual-use pump.
experimental method: ① arrange two boxes, tissue paper pad in the box and drip the same amount of water to the box, and then in tissue paper on each put two mung bean seeds. and then a planting box on the room temperature, and the other a plastic sack and a pump out the air inside. ② Comparison of two planting seed germination of mung bean box.
experimental results: the experimental team Box of mung bean seed germination, and control box in the mung bean seeds did no germinate.
experimental results: mung bean seeds need air.
* bean sprouts growing conditions
Experiment name: if the growth of mung bean sprouts need the sun?
experimental material: the germination of mung bean seeds, two pots
experimental methods: the germination of mung bean seeds in two pots, over a duration of time, which will be a pot in the sun plenty of room to the other pots in a dark place. other asset being equal, over a period of time to observe.
experimental phenomena: on the bright green bean sprouts grown in pots where mighty and dark green color, on pots in the dark places more tender bean sprouts and light in color.
experimental results: the growth of bean sprouts need the sun.
* bean sprouts growing conditions
Experiment name: the need for the growth of bean sprouts water ?
experimental material: the germination of mung bean seeds, a salver, absorbent paper, water
experiment: on a panel covered with several layers of absorbent paper, the five newly sprouting mung beans and emissions in the absorbent paper, moist absorbent paper to reserve one end of .3 days after, filed a wafer of absorbent paper, carefully observe the growth of mung bean roots.
experimental results: the basis of mung bean sprouts are growing apt the end of the rainy periodical.
experimental results: this shows the growth of mung bean sprouts need water, reflecting the ability of plants to adapt to the environment.
* earthworm living environment
Experiment name: earthworm favor a shine environment alternatively black surroundings?
experimental materials: rectangular smooth tray , earthworms 5, absorbent paper
experiment: ① to detect a rectangular box, the box drew black inside, the lid of the box cut a piece by an end, covered with absorbent paper in the base of the box. ② the earthworm hole symmetry damaging 5 a box on the navel, cover the lid, 5 minutes,shanghai escort, open the lid of observation, make a disc. repeated several periods.
experimental results: the dark side of the box earthworms crawl.
experiment Conclusion: The earthworm living environment like the dark.
* earthworm living environment
Experiment name: earthworm like a dry environment or humid environment?
experimental materials: rectangular flat tray, worms 10, dry soil and wet soil.
experiment: ① to find a box at either ends of the box were covered with a layer of mud, one end of the mart wet, dry shop at one end. ② the hole symmetry breaking of a group of earthworms on the box of 10 the middle, cover the lid, 5 minutes, open the lid of observation, make a record. repeated several times.
experimental phenomena: earthworms will crawl to the side of wet.
experimental results: the lives of worms like damp environment.
light of a second unit, elementary wisdom.
1. shadow producing conditions: (light, transparent objects, shade).
2. the direction of the shadow of the sun as the object (the sun direction) is changed, the shadow and the sun is always in the direction (the opposite).
3. the sun shadow of the object (width) of the change is with the sun in the sky (position) change, the position of the sun (tall ) shadow of the (short), the situation of the sun (cheap) the shadow of the (long).
4. It has long been understood by the sun (variation of the shadow of the object) to determine the time. the ancient people used to use (at movie observation instrument) time, such as (sundial).
5. just to (straight line) in the form of communication. is the circulation velocity of light per second (300,000) km.
6. reflected light is forward the (straightforward) transportation.
7. Many sources in the hair (light) are made at the same time (heat). the sun has brought us (the light) at the same time send us (lukewarm).
8. light intensity on the temperature (high), (feeble light) temperature on the (low).
9. it was base (concave) and (convex) can light up together to form a lusty light and high temperature,
10. (sun) is the largest source of light and heat the world. The sun's outer temperature of approximately C (6 thousand degrees), the interior temperature of approximately C (2 million degrees). Earth's solar stamina received, only accounts fhardly everlar radiation vigor (twenty- one million).
11. The color and heat-absorbing aptitude is related to dark heat-absorbing objects, the object than the light (fast).
12. objects, sun angle and endothermic relative objects endothermic than the perpendicular slope with the sun (hasty).
13. solar water heater is a (solar thermal converter), with (energy), (green), (security) conveniences.
Second, the interpretation of the concept of .
1. source: such as light emitting object is called its source.
2. to make sure an object is light, first light in their own prelude, and is creature be called light-emitting objects such light source.
3. Projection: obtain the thing from another sides, the shadow of exposure is phoned projection.
4. the reflection of light: light kick the mirror changes the direction of propagation, is reflected behind, a phenomenon called the reflection of light , also called reflective.
three, case in point.
1 life use of the principles of light reflection.
A: ① ② car mirror with the amount of physicians mirror ③ ④ light shade on the wall of the classroom ⑤ telescope painted white.
3, concave and convex principles of the application.
A: convex lens magnifying cup ① ② periscope; concave mirror: ancient copper mirror with a concave make launch, the use of concave mirror made of the principle solar cookers, the Olympic flame blaze is the use of concave mirror made of ... ...
four short response.
1, the shadow What are the specifics?
A: ① the situation of the shadow will be with the light source, the change of instruction change. ② The size of the shadow and block light objects and the distance between the light source, is, a large shadow from the small, large shadow from the small. ③ light source the shadow of the object shape and the shape of the side.
2 how is the eclipse of? Why shadow is forever in the backlight side?
A: light travels in straight lines, the light propagates via the vague objects if they are in the light of objects behind it will not depart a place dark areas, the formation of a shadow dark areas.
third unit and change the Earth's surface topography and terrain functions
: Mountain: quite high, crooked down, several overlapping peaks; Hill: The ups and downs, than the slope slow, low hills formed by the perennial; plateau: an area of ​​vast, open terrain, to remove the soak slopes circling the border; plain: wide flat outlook, rolling small; basin: four weeks was quite high, middle low, flat; Earth more on the sea, land less, more mountains of western China, east and more plain.
2. earthquakes and volcanoes are reasoned by motion of the Earth's internal. Earth's interior can be divided into crust, mantle, gist of three parts. most of the earthquake occurred in the crust. volcano activities narrated to the mantle and crust movement.
3. collision of two continental plates fashioned the magnificent Himalayas. continental plates collide, separate, pan, resulting in magnificent changes in the surface. If the formation of mountains , Highlands, Rift Valley and trenches and so on. also trigger volcanic outbreaks, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc..
4. two plates of the Great Rift Valley is formed by extensional fault ravine. topography caused by motion of the Earth's interior changes.
5. rocks underlying causes of changes in the role of cold and heat; the role of water; the role of plants; animal role. due to water, air, temperature, or the role of animals and plants, rock trampling, a phenomenon called weathering . gravel and sand is formed by rock weathering.
6. According to the mote size of soil particles can be classified: the biggest is the pebble, emulated by sand, is smaller than the sand silt,does the melody itself ought be brings the sensory judgments lacking you, the smallest soil particles is clay.
7 . soil humus and salt is essential for plant growth nutrients. humus is decomposed plants and animals on black material, salt is liquefied minerals in water.
8. soil is sand, gravel, clay, humus , water and air medleys.
9. Soil is the planet's maximum valuable resource. in each cubic meter of soil, billions of alive creatures. soil to provide them with edible and living space too provide shelter and food for people sources of matter. and always alive creatures in the soil and garbage residues can enrich the soil humus. beast and plant roots can loosen the soil, climate and water to build space.
10. raindrops fall to the ground is the beginning of soil erosion. clay and sand bathed away by rain lighter lightly.
11. of land the size of the slope, with or without plant cover, rainfall will influence the size of the degree of soil erosion.
12. As the character of water erosion on the land surface will be the formation of numerous flows and gullies. streams come attach they will convert a huge river. riverbed covered with large stones upstream, midstream mattress piled Many of the pebbles, river bed full of yarn.
13. nature, every time the phenomenon of erosion and deposition have occurred. erosion makes some of the ground where soil erosion processes, and deposition has filled a number of low-lying areas , erosion and deposition form a different landforms on the planet.
14., water, air, glaciers, and gravity waves will erode the land. erosion of the soil erosion in some places, changing the topography, when the human production and life also had a colossal shock. in order to protect their homes, people try to lessen erosion.
motion and force the fourth unit
1, thousands of annuals antecedent, man invented the automobile. hove the cable cord automobile is the car forward
2, there is a downward force on the object, which is gravity. apple on the tree to fall, discard up the pellet eventually falling to the ground, these are as by their own gravity
3, the rubber band ring linking one end fixed on the border and the other end firm to the axle, turn the wheel, so that rubber band wound approximately the axle, loosen the hand wheel will corner.
4, when the rubber band is stretched to generate power.
5, rubber orchestra, spring by external force such objects, the fashion is quite simple to change, in the shape they will have a change to reinstate the original shape force,shenzhen escort, this force is called elastic. When they return to its aboriginal shape, the extend disappears.
6, use of elastic can do a lot of entities. underwear elastic band, purse, bow and arrow, and a variety of chest advantage of the spring is elastic objects.
7, the balloon in the gas emission, it will produce a spray in the opposite direction and thrust, the force is called recoil. spurt, rocket spurt engines are relying on recoil force generated by movement.
8, make the recess of the objects in film, the object have to be hard; to make objects shake faster, you have to use greater coerce above the object
9, spring dynamometer is to measure the size of the tool force in life is often called a spring balance.
10, spring dynamometer is provided by the ring, pointer, spring, scale plate, linked to the essay.
11, adapted to people's lives ; g
12,1 N ≈ 100 grams of force
13, a spring force of gravity dimension should pay attention to:
(1) pick up the dynamometer, first retard the pointer is not referring to the ; position.
(2) reading, the line of sight with the arrow of Ping.
(3) measurement of the force dynamometer can not surpass the highest digit of marked scale.
14, we can use rubber bands, cardboard, paper clips to make a dynamometer.
15, moving objects on the ground will be friction with the ground.
16, one object in another object surface in film, the two objects will be the contact surface friction , moving objects to hinder the movement by a force, this force is called friction. friction is felt. The size of the friction can be measured.
17, we use the horizontal dynamometer pull-along an object, just to make up the object movement is namely it was the friction force.
18, frictional adjoin surface of the object size and weight of the object. body adjoin surface between the flat, friction on small; objects between the adjoin surface roughness, friction on the colossal. body heaviness, the friction on the large manoeuvre; objects, light, campaign of the friction on the small.
19, the surface of an object in another motion,toronto escorts, sliding and rolling in two ways.
20, in antique times, folk carrying massive objects, constantly placed below the roller body. Later invented the installation of wheel of the car, car to transport objects, even more convenient.
21 , for the same object, a small rolling friction, sliding friction large.
19, car, bike brakes are taken to prevent wheel rotation usages.
20, ball bearing slide into a rolling appliance.
21, the surface of an object in another amusement, there is always accompanied by friction.
22, the time when people need to friction, equitable as a way to increase it; when people When not friction, consist in ... a access to reduce it.
23, a real car to reach 300 kilometers per hour or more, at the same time try to make a smooth and secure.
⑴ very wide, you can increase friction and dodge slipping; ⑵ meter is the power of the engine; ⑶ very bottom hub of gravity, the distance between the wheels and broad wheel can make the driving stability; ⑷, streamlined body, the resistance reduced to the lowest.

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