Thursday, May 5, 2011

outlook achieve greatly reduced

Beijing Days Inn pond goes Tips: Pertaining to the urban landscape water environment, gives a sense of beauty, maintenance of ecological equilibrium. However, deserving to the limitations of the aboriginal devise and post-pollution and water quality management fathom and other issues, guiding to fast deterioration of water quality, landscape effect greatly reduced, some of the more solemn is the clash of the regular life of the surrounding dwellers.
pharmaceutical landscape water swimming pool maintenance key is to control the water quality of water COD, BOD5, TN,beijing massage, TP and other pollutants such as content and the growth of algae to make it hardly ever breed and maintain the clear water, clean water for the intention of protecting the water quality. Generally speaking, as a landscape water with tap water into the water early and late water can be added directly landscape water; if use of natural water is required under the river water quality determine the need for its special treatment, but also think the water charges paid; if the use of the recycled water is recycled water quality have to encounter the in the landscape water quality standards suspended solids (mud, sand) increased the transparency of the water drop, water made muddy, you can through the water, changing the water way, dilute impurities in the water, in mandate to reduce the concentration of impurities. 2) The loop filter of the way the early stages of landscape design of water, according to water body size, design aiding cylinder and rotation of the sand filter pumps, and piping used in laying cycle, the water quality for future customary maintenance, if the larger body of water, will extend the cycle of filtration cycles ,shanghai massage, so that water can not achieve the lusted results.
1.2 Physicochemical Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing Days fungicides
1) coagulation and sedimentation treatment by coagulation and sedimentation of suspended solids in water objects and colloidal impurities. sedimentation or clarification many types of structures can be algae rate is not the same. For sample, static soil sedimentation tank processing Thames river, the average rate of 59% algae, but dealing with it when the Iowa River was 37% algae (sulfuric sour Coagulation) to 97% (lime softening); applications Polish water treatment clarifiers, the average algae removal rate of 85% to 86% (no pre-chlorination) and 95% a 97% (pre-chlorination) and planktonic biomass decreased by 93%, respectively, corresponding to 96% and 99%. really the size of the treatment effect varies with cell density, cell density is high,beijing escort, processing difficulties, algae removal rate decreased, coagulation and sedimentation have some period to remove phosphorus , West Lake in Hangzhou cited Qiantang River water afford water, into the lake is by coagulation and sedimentation treatment. coagulating sedimentation method with absent fromvestment, operation and maintenance easy, good effects can be used to contain a large number of suspended solids, algae in water treatment, of contaminated water could achieve better purification effect.
Pool Project 2) micro-dosing flotation bubbles by course of water purification process can be divided into radiated climate flotation flotation, electrolysis, gas condensate , biological and chemical flotation and dissolved ventilation flotation (pressure vacuum flotation flotation). Currently, the applying is part of the behind oppression of more dissolved climate flotation, the treatment effect is noteworthy and settled, and Big reduce energy consumption.
disinfectant Shanghai Grand Garden false lake (water area of ​​8000m2) for rain water and pat water, no other source of pollution of the rill, water is more stable. It is through the constant stream of water circulating glance gas, fountain aeration and the use of chemical dosing water flotation process to plant breeding of cultivated algae, and other solid impurities and phosphate, so that the whole body of water to nourish good condition.
scampering results show namely the process has the following main advantages : ① can mainly clear small suspended motes, algae, salt and solid impurities and contaminants such as phosphorus proud; ② flotation so namely the water of liquefied oxygen content has been greatly additional, effectively enhanced the water quality of the context; ③ Easy operation and upkeep, automatic control can be effected; ④ shock load capacity,I both select to care for kid. In array to let the chikidt the best attention and growth, water quality, water alterations and good adaptability.
3) photocatalytic degradation in water by addition a decisive value of photosensitive semiconductor stuff, the use of solar water purification.
1.3 biochemical approach disinfectant
1) biological oxidation is warmhearted secondhand in micro-biological adjoin oxidation treatment of dirty source water, the general removal of CODMn, NH3-N, respectively, up to 20% to 30% and 80% 90%.
whether the initial landscape water into the water, and after added a high content of organic matter in water, biological treatment processes could be used to remove such pollutants, the current process is widely used in biological contact oxidation process, it has high efficiency, short hydraulic retention time, small footprint, the volume load, resistance to shock loading, no sludge bulking, sludge making is low, no sludge return, simple management, and steady operation.
the general use of biological contact oxidation are bacteria indeed present in raw water, but also added refined bacteria.

photosynthetic bacteria slightly polluted water refining deputy in the biological treatment method of adding bacteria are extra domestic and exotic research such as Japan, South Korea, Australia and additional countries with the water running regularly to the photosynthetic bacteria, photosynthetic bacteria can use as light and oxygen to slightly polluted water or wastewater inorganic and organic carbon and other nutrients into the cell, which can melodrama a role in water purification. This method is uncomplicated process, no built structures, infrastructure and expenses province and so on. But the price of higher species, and for light vigor from the photosynthetic bacteria is a bacteria, do no contain nitrification and denitrification bacteria category, nitrogen, phosphorus and other plant nutrients can merely COD: N: P = 100:5:1 ratio of removal, therefore, can not solve the problem of eutrophication.
② merged merged colony
Bacterial pollution of water by the bacteria instantly insulated groups, culture is milk-white white, smooth method counts the digit of bacteria per milliliter of not less than 60 million. primarily with photosynthetic bacteria, yeasts, molds, actinomycetes monocytogenes dozens of species of bacteria.
2) layer bioreactor in the reactor, with a microfiltration membrane or ultrafiltration membrane to separate the influent and effluent and sludge in the water part of the mores or activated sludge into a good training and exposure gas, the water quality can not only remove the COD,beijing escort, NH3-N, and, high turbidity, the CAS Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics that their hospital treatment by the landscape of water. 1.4 Ecological approach ecological approach is essentially biochemical methods.
1) PBB PBB method is in situ methods of physical, biological, chemical and biological remediation technologies, primarily water aerobics to water and regular vaccination has the role of complex microbial. PBB is an effective method to In adding to nitrate, effectively by beneficial microorganisms, algae, adsorption of water plants, etc., under anaerobic conditions in the deep sediment denitrification of nitrate into gaseous nitrogen, and then rose to the surface to return the air. suppression and removal of phosphorus and nitrogen The chemical machinery, although different, but they need superfluity of oxygen, oxygen is the basic condition of water environment management. So PBB method using the impeller aerator, it has good water governance landscape functions.
2) biological filter Ditch
biological filter ditch the traditional sand filters and wetlands pond-bed combined portfolio approach, which uses multi-level drip of water aeration, the water can effectively control the savour, ammonia nitrogen amount and improve the organic material removal.
process of this usage shown in Figure 1, the raw water through the water with a grid of wells afterward the removal of large drifting through the water pump upgrade, and then grind through 3 or water down the sink later the water into the aeration folk ditch aerobic biological percolate. wrinkle aerobic biological filter according to the another packing gravel segment is divided into two segments and the carbon leftovers, followed by purification factory bed and ecological ditch, the water tank were explicit, the last efflux. < br> ditch the advantages of biological filter:
① ditch biological filter at chamber temperature, the urban landscape treatment of contaminated water, can control the water repugnant color, smell, savor and other sensory features, and ammonia are certain removal.
② biological filter trench generally cheap biomass, merely the root zone of plants rich biofilm, can effectively remove organic contaminants.
3) A Keman ecological purification technology, a specialized contractor of cloth ambition be placed in the wetland, pool or building, it can invest 245m3/m2 specific surface area because gainful microorganisms and algae in water breeding, cater addition surface supplemented aerobic and anaerobic conditions, tin greatly depress water COD, NH3, TP, TN, using such technology units of South China University of Technology, for the handling of servant sewage, wastewater treatment plant Gongbei sewage treatment. The role of water treatment chemicals processing

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