Thursday, May 5, 2011

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only while the human globe for the conservation of all sentient beings
spirit later in life and
web daydreamed ahead the recess of my life
day in Lijiang namely so
I adore ecology ,toronto escorts, even a needy
What is your gender ? you ambition not forget the Mongols with
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Partner to send love and pleasure is clear and bright with her father and memories of better

back to variant life
meihao Yunnan

if the unlawful dismiss action of polluters

Visit the source of the Yongding River is five mm protection of all citizens to do the Yongding River
Wang Yongchen
Yongding outlook will be ; Lugouxiaoyue public participation law aboard the Yongding River (mmm Sanjiadian Section) for an integrated environmental management project in the metropolis Development and Reform Commission website publicity, and requested the public to put forward specific proposals river (According to environmental conservation, awareness of environmental challenges in enhancing.
from last year, Beijing began a digit of environmental organizations concerned approximately the rivers nigh Beijing. base on the Yongding River,shenzhen massage, there are 6 golf courses
.2006 December 28,beijing massage, we Yongding River in the learn, Beijing has not a sleet, the Yongding River in the golf lesson staff has in watering the golf course with water the lawn.
the Beijing Development and Reform Commission on the Yongding River governance publicity positioning problems, the proposed Beijing water shortage deserving to the recent management of the landscape objectives of the Yongding River as who wade in the Yongding River Ecology Shentou source, the two colossal power plants not only braved the chimney billowing cigarette stream out of the factory's consume water instantly discharged into the upper approaches of the Yongding River in Sanggan. there but the source of the Yongding River ah!
environmental public interest involved in the abstract, but also related to each specific person's interests. In marrow, the kernel issue of environmental protection is really interests.
a Peking University instructor once said: if the illegal expel action of polluters, environmental law enforcement or administration, alternatively the interests of the individual and public participation through a diversity of ways,shanghai massage, have a particular amuse demands, and accordingly constitute a multi-subject, game among the multiple interests. The public is the most common and maximum fundamental subjects of interest, should have the most immediate environmental problems, the most widespread right to know and participate.
both sides of the green, is the Yongding River Ecological Restoration Project one of the main establishing. Many environmentalists will not forget 2001, when Beijing Kunyu river against the background,toronto escorts, the Beijing environmental protection unions urged either sides to keep the tree channel, preferably than the whole lawn paved the proposal failed to accepted along authorities.
but the power of public participation is an Based on the concerns of interest to the environmental protection activities amid active profession, and they are sprinting as their own behalf, but also will enhance the interests of society as a whole.
river sewage correction ecological management problem is the other part of the Yongding River . someone.
pollution control, folk who calculate we should rely on experts to partake in environmental decision-making. Today, however, how to assure namely experts not involved in the interests of the conditions to make scientific judgments, have transform a pressing care.
in recent years China's civilian environmentalists have been shrieking for: the public in environmental and resource management in the deficiency,the story namely constantly absence of ideas and feelings, is the environmental management system in China today is a major defect. The nice news is, today's China in promoting public participation in public decision-making has been progress has been made.
Yongding landscape will be protection, protection namely not merely nature, yet likewise the interests of every inhabitant of their own.


Ancient scholars not so easy classics have to be quite difficult.
Today, suddenly enlightened, to look the rill diagram performance of the book --- which is really not simple for me, with However, afterward sub-
friends and retard online,merely also our friends, Qian also understood literally or nine into it. their amount is also strenuous to friendship borrow somebody else's learn notes Rights
premier hexagram: > Dry: Yuan, Hang, Lee, Chen.
】 【vernacular, br>】 【vernacular br> vernacular】 【ninth day, the dragon namely still slinking in the water, recharge your batteries, but tin not play a character.
lecture Dragon in the field, Lee see adults.
【】 ninety-two vernacular,shanghai massage, Long has emerged ashore the floor position conducive to the emergence De Long's big shot high.
De Shipu also.
】 【vernacular, If,shanghai massage, Li Without Harm.
【】 ninety-three vernacular,beijing massage, a marquis all day self-improvement, the nightfall has not the slightest lax, so namely even in the face hazardous and good fortune.
; day Dry or jump in the deep,shanghai escort, Without Harm.
【】 ninety-four vernacular, dragon, alternatively prance into the sky, or relegated to the deep, there ambition be not damage.
, into the Wujiu too.
】 【vernacular, hazard.
Ninth, Soaring, Lee see adults.
vernacular】 【Ninth, Fei on the high-altitude, high-potential favorable to the emergence De Long's big shot.
; Soaring, on the nine, Kanglongyouhui.
】 【vernacular for 9, Fei to the high place, and will naturally repent it.
】 【vernacular, See rudderless, Kyrgyzstan.
】 【vernacular with nine, appeared headed dragons do not ambition the phenomenon is very auspicious.

】 【vernacular,

the edible expense of additional bio-called manufactured purchaser.

Points on the fifth-grade science
1st unit the growth of bean sprouts by water, temperature,beijing escort, sunlight, nutrients and additional elements.
2, plant growth requires a certain environment, the environment changed when they will try to accustom to changes in the environment. that plants have a certain ability to adjust to the environment .
3, earthworms like to live in dark, watery environment.
4, a diversity of animals like living in a definite environment, different animals have different requirements on the environment.
5, bio survival in addition to certain normal environment, they are interdependent with every other, influence each other.
6, live animals, food is one of the most essential needs.
7, the food chain routinely begin from the green plants, to the termination of fierce carnivores.
8, if part of the biological community was devastated, the all equilibrium of the ecosystem will be lost.
9, dust is polluting the environment, jeopardize our lives, and bad climate. hunt Falcon is a citizen level to protect animals.
10, the world's first nature reserve - Yellowstone National Park. ② first nature reserve in China - Guangdong Dinghushan Nature Reserve.
11, in mandate to maintain ecological balance, we human beings should ① adore animals and not to injure them. ② protect the forest, not deforestation. ③ more built nature reserves to protect the treasure of flora and fauna. ④ protect grassland, rational grazing. ... ...
II to annotate the concept.
1, the food chain: biological link between this sort of relationship as the food, called food chain.
2, producers: the food shackle is called its biological production of food makers.
3 Consumer: food chain, instantly or indirectly, the food consumption of other bio-called manufactured consumer.
4, the food web: the same kind of plant will be different animals eat, the same animals can eat a variety of food, bio- This complicated relationship between the formation of a web of food building, called the food web.
5, eco-system: as the reservoir so that these organisms and non-living, interactive, interdependent, forming an inseparable whole We can think of them as an ecosystem. a forest, a lea, a lake, an ocean and so can be viewed as an ecosystem.
6, biological communities: an space of ​​biological in nature to form a harmonious balance the whole, called biomes.
three experimental chart.
* seed germination experiment
Experiment name: mung bean seeds need air you?
experimental material: 2 plastic plant boxes, mung bean seeds, paper towels, dropper, water, tags, sealed plastic bags, dual-use pump.
experimental method: ① arrange two boxes, tissue paper pad in the box and drip the same amount of water to the box, and then in tissue paper on each put two mung bean seeds. and then a planting box on the room temperature, and the other a plastic sack and a pump out the air inside. ② Comparison of two planting seed germination of mung bean box.
experimental results: the experimental team Box of mung bean seed germination, and control box in the mung bean seeds did no germinate.
experimental results: mung bean seeds need air.
* bean sprouts growing conditions
Experiment name: if the growth of mung bean sprouts need the sun?
experimental material: the germination of mung bean seeds, two pots
experimental methods: the germination of mung bean seeds in two pots, over a duration of time, which will be a pot in the sun plenty of room to the other pots in a dark place. other asset being equal, over a period of time to observe.
experimental phenomena: on the bright green bean sprouts grown in pots where mighty and dark green color, on pots in the dark places more tender bean sprouts and light in color.
experimental results: the growth of bean sprouts need the sun.
* bean sprouts growing conditions
Experiment name: the need for the growth of bean sprouts water ?
experimental material: the germination of mung bean seeds, a salver, absorbent paper, water
experiment: on a panel covered with several layers of absorbent paper, the five newly sprouting mung beans and emissions in the absorbent paper, moist absorbent paper to reserve one end of .3 days after, filed a wafer of absorbent paper, carefully observe the growth of mung bean roots.
experimental results: the basis of mung bean sprouts are growing apt the end of the rainy periodical.
experimental results: this shows the growth of mung bean sprouts need water, reflecting the ability of plants to adapt to the environment.
* earthworm living environment
Experiment name: earthworm favor a shine environment alternatively black surroundings?
experimental materials: rectangular smooth tray , earthworms 5, absorbent paper
experiment: ① to detect a rectangular box, the box drew black inside, the lid of the box cut a piece by an end, covered with absorbent paper in the base of the box. ② the earthworm hole symmetry damaging 5 a box on the navel, cover the lid, 5 minutes,shanghai escort, open the lid of observation, make a disc. repeated several periods.
experimental results: the dark side of the box earthworms crawl.
experiment Conclusion: The earthworm living environment like the dark.
* earthworm living environment
Experiment name: earthworm like a dry environment or humid environment?
experimental materials: rectangular flat tray, worms 10, dry soil and wet soil.
experiment: ① to find a box at either ends of the box were covered with a layer of mud, one end of the mart wet, dry shop at one end. ② the hole symmetry breaking of a group of earthworms on the box of 10 the middle, cover the lid, 5 minutes, open the lid of observation, make a record. repeated several times.
experimental phenomena: earthworms will crawl to the side of wet.
experimental results: the lives of worms like damp environment.
light of a second unit, elementary wisdom.
1. shadow producing conditions: (light, transparent objects, shade).
2. the direction of the shadow of the sun as the object (the sun direction) is changed, the shadow and the sun is always in the direction (the opposite).
3. the sun shadow of the object (width) of the change is with the sun in the sky (position) change, the position of the sun (tall ) shadow of the (short), the situation of the sun (cheap) the shadow of the (long).
4. It has long been understood by the sun (variation of the shadow of the object) to determine the time. the ancient people used to use (at movie observation instrument) time, such as (sundial).
5. just to (straight line) in the form of communication. is the circulation velocity of light per second (300,000) km.
6. reflected light is forward the (straightforward) transportation.
7. Many sources in the hair (light) are made at the same time (heat). the sun has brought us (the light) at the same time send us (lukewarm).
8. light intensity on the temperature (high), (feeble light) temperature on the (low).
9. it was base (concave) and (convex) can light up together to form a lusty light and high temperature,
10. (sun) is the largest source of light and heat the world. The sun's outer temperature of approximately C (6 thousand degrees), the interior temperature of approximately C (2 million degrees). Earth's solar stamina received, only accounts fhardly everlar radiation vigor (twenty- one million).
11. The color and heat-absorbing aptitude is related to dark heat-absorbing objects, the object than the light (fast).
12. objects, sun angle and endothermic relative objects endothermic than the perpendicular slope with the sun (hasty).
13. solar water heater is a (solar thermal converter), with (energy), (green), (security) conveniences.
Second, the interpretation of the concept of .
1. source: such as light emitting object is called its source.
2. to make sure an object is light, first light in their own prelude, and is creature be called light-emitting objects such light source.
3. Projection: obtain the thing from another sides, the shadow of exposure is phoned projection.
4. the reflection of light: light kick the mirror changes the direction of propagation, is reflected behind, a phenomenon called the reflection of light , also called reflective.
three, case in point.
1 life use of the principles of light reflection.
A: ① ② car mirror with the amount of physicians mirror ③ ④ light shade on the wall of the classroom ⑤ telescope painted white.
3, concave and convex principles of the application.
A: convex lens magnifying cup ① ② periscope; concave mirror: ancient copper mirror with a concave make launch, the use of concave mirror made of the principle solar cookers, the Olympic flame blaze is the use of concave mirror made of ... ...
four short response.
1, the shadow What are the specifics?
A: ① the situation of the shadow will be with the light source, the change of instruction change. ② The size of the shadow and block light objects and the distance between the light source, is, a large shadow from the small, large shadow from the small. ③ light source the shadow of the object shape and the shape of the side.
2 how is the eclipse of? Why shadow is forever in the backlight side?
A: light travels in straight lines, the light propagates via the vague objects if they are in the light of objects behind it will not depart a place dark areas, the formation of a shadow dark areas.
third unit and change the Earth's surface topography and terrain functions
: Mountain: quite high, crooked down, several overlapping peaks; Hill: The ups and downs, than the slope slow, low hills formed by the perennial; plateau: an area of ​​vast, open terrain, to remove the soak slopes circling the border; plain: wide flat outlook, rolling small; basin: four weeks was quite high, middle low, flat; Earth more on the sea, land less, more mountains of western China, east and more plain.
2. earthquakes and volcanoes are reasoned by motion of the Earth's internal. Earth's interior can be divided into crust, mantle, gist of three parts. most of the earthquake occurred in the crust. volcano activities narrated to the mantle and crust movement.
3. collision of two continental plates fashioned the magnificent Himalayas. continental plates collide, separate, pan, resulting in magnificent changes in the surface. If the formation of mountains , Highlands, Rift Valley and trenches and so on. also trigger volcanic outbreaks, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc..
4. two plates of the Great Rift Valley is formed by extensional fault ravine. topography caused by motion of the Earth's interior changes.
5. rocks underlying causes of changes in the role of cold and heat; the role of water; the role of plants; animal role. due to water, air, temperature, or the role of animals and plants, rock trampling, a phenomenon called weathering . gravel and sand is formed by rock weathering.
6. According to the mote size of soil particles can be classified: the biggest is the pebble, emulated by sand, is smaller than the sand silt,does the melody itself ought be brings the sensory judgments lacking you, the smallest soil particles is clay.
7 . soil humus and salt is essential for plant growth nutrients. humus is decomposed plants and animals on black material, salt is liquefied minerals in water.
8. soil is sand, gravel, clay, humus , water and air medleys.
9. Soil is the planet's maximum valuable resource. in each cubic meter of soil, billions of alive creatures. soil to provide them with edible and living space too provide shelter and food for people sources of matter. and always alive creatures in the soil and garbage residues can enrich the soil humus. beast and plant roots can loosen the soil, climate and water to build space.
10. raindrops fall to the ground is the beginning of soil erosion. clay and sand bathed away by rain lighter lightly.
11. of land the size of the slope, with or without plant cover, rainfall will influence the size of the degree of soil erosion.
12. As the character of water erosion on the land surface will be the formation of numerous flows and gullies. streams come attach they will convert a huge river. riverbed covered with large stones upstream, midstream mattress piled Many of the pebbles, river bed full of yarn.
13. nature, every time the phenomenon of erosion and deposition have occurred. erosion makes some of the ground where soil erosion processes, and deposition has filled a number of low-lying areas , erosion and deposition form a different landforms on the planet.
14., water, air, glaciers, and gravity waves will erode the land. erosion of the soil erosion in some places, changing the topography, when the human production and life also had a colossal shock. in order to protect their homes, people try to lessen erosion.
motion and force the fourth unit
1, thousands of annuals antecedent, man invented the automobile. hove the cable cord automobile is the car forward
2, there is a downward force on the object, which is gravity. apple on the tree to fall, discard up the pellet eventually falling to the ground, these are as by their own gravity
3, the rubber band ring linking one end fixed on the border and the other end firm to the axle, turn the wheel, so that rubber band wound approximately the axle, loosen the hand wheel will corner.
4, when the rubber band is stretched to generate power.
5, rubber orchestra, spring by external force such objects, the fashion is quite simple to change, in the shape they will have a change to reinstate the original shape force,shenzhen escort, this force is called elastic. When they return to its aboriginal shape, the extend disappears.
6, use of elastic can do a lot of entities. underwear elastic band, purse, bow and arrow, and a variety of chest advantage of the spring is elastic objects.
7, the balloon in the gas emission, it will produce a spray in the opposite direction and thrust, the force is called recoil. spurt, rocket spurt engines are relying on recoil force generated by movement.
8, make the recess of the objects in film, the object have to be hard; to make objects shake faster, you have to use greater coerce above the object
9, spring dynamometer is to measure the size of the tool force in life is often called a spring balance.
10, spring dynamometer is provided by the ring, pointer, spring, scale plate, linked to the essay.
11, adapted to people's lives ; g
12,1 N ≈ 100 grams of force
13, a spring force of gravity dimension should pay attention to:
(1) pick up the dynamometer, first retard the pointer is not referring to the ; position.
(2) reading, the line of sight with the arrow of Ping.
(3) measurement of the force dynamometer can not surpass the highest digit of marked scale.
14, we can use rubber bands, cardboard, paper clips to make a dynamometer.
15, moving objects on the ground will be friction with the ground.
16, one object in another object surface in film, the two objects will be the contact surface friction , moving objects to hinder the movement by a force, this force is called friction. friction is felt. The size of the friction can be measured.
17, we use the horizontal dynamometer pull-along an object, just to make up the object movement is namely it was the friction force.
18, frictional adjoin surface of the object size and weight of the object. body adjoin surface between the flat, friction on small; objects between the adjoin surface roughness, friction on the colossal. body heaviness, the friction on the large manoeuvre; objects, light, campaign of the friction on the small.
19, the surface of an object in another motion,toronto escorts, sliding and rolling in two ways.
20, in antique times, folk carrying massive objects, constantly placed below the roller body. Later invented the installation of wheel of the car, car to transport objects, even more convenient.
21 , for the same object, a small rolling friction, sliding friction large.
19, car, bike brakes are taken to prevent wheel rotation usages.
20, ball bearing slide into a rolling appliance.
21, the surface of an object in another amusement, there is always accompanied by friction.
22, the time when people need to friction, equitable as a way to increase it; when people When not friction, consist in ... a access to reduce it.
23, a real car to reach 300 kilometers per hour or more, at the same time try to make a smooth and secure.
⑴ very wide, you can increase friction and dodge slipping; ⑵ meter is the power of the engine; ⑶ very bottom hub of gravity, the distance between the wheels and broad wheel can make the driving stability; ⑷, streamlined body, the resistance reduced to the lowest.

outlook achieve greatly reduced

Beijing Days Inn pond goes Tips: Pertaining to the urban landscape water environment, gives a sense of beauty, maintenance of ecological equilibrium. However, deserving to the limitations of the aboriginal devise and post-pollution and water quality management fathom and other issues, guiding to fast deterioration of water quality, landscape effect greatly reduced, some of the more solemn is the clash of the regular life of the surrounding dwellers.
pharmaceutical landscape water swimming pool maintenance key is to control the water quality of water COD, BOD5, TN,beijing massage, TP and other pollutants such as content and the growth of algae to make it hardly ever breed and maintain the clear water, clean water for the intention of protecting the water quality. Generally speaking, as a landscape water with tap water into the water early and late water can be added directly landscape water; if use of natural water is required under the river water quality determine the need for its special treatment, but also think the water charges paid; if the use of the recycled water is recycled water quality have to encounter the in the landscape water quality standards suspended solids (mud, sand) increased the transparency of the water drop, water made muddy, you can through the water, changing the water way, dilute impurities in the water, in mandate to reduce the concentration of impurities. 2) The loop filter of the way the early stages of landscape design of water, according to water body size, design aiding cylinder and rotation of the sand filter pumps, and piping used in laying cycle, the water quality for future customary maintenance, if the larger body of water, will extend the cycle of filtration cycles ,shanghai massage, so that water can not achieve the lusted results.
1.2 Physicochemical Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing Days fungicides
1) coagulation and sedimentation treatment by coagulation and sedimentation of suspended solids in water objects and colloidal impurities. sedimentation or clarification many types of structures can be algae rate is not the same. For sample, static soil sedimentation tank processing Thames river, the average rate of 59% algae, but dealing with it when the Iowa River was 37% algae (sulfuric sour Coagulation) to 97% (lime softening); applications Polish water treatment clarifiers, the average algae removal rate of 85% to 86% (no pre-chlorination) and 95% a 97% (pre-chlorination) and planktonic biomass decreased by 93%, respectively, corresponding to 96% and 99%. really the size of the treatment effect varies with cell density, cell density is high,beijing escort, processing difficulties, algae removal rate decreased, coagulation and sedimentation have some period to remove phosphorus , West Lake in Hangzhou cited Qiantang River water afford water, into the lake is by coagulation and sedimentation treatment. coagulating sedimentation method with absent fromvestment, operation and maintenance easy, good effects can be used to contain a large number of suspended solids, algae in water treatment, of contaminated water could achieve better purification effect.
Pool Project 2) micro-dosing flotation bubbles by course of water purification process can be divided into radiated climate flotation flotation, electrolysis, gas condensate , biological and chemical flotation and dissolved ventilation flotation (pressure vacuum flotation flotation). Currently, the applying is part of the behind oppression of more dissolved climate flotation, the treatment effect is noteworthy and settled, and Big reduce energy consumption.
disinfectant Shanghai Grand Garden false lake (water area of ​​8000m2) for rain water and pat water, no other source of pollution of the rill, water is more stable. It is through the constant stream of water circulating glance gas, fountain aeration and the use of chemical dosing water flotation process to plant breeding of cultivated algae, and other solid impurities and phosphate, so that the whole body of water to nourish good condition.
scampering results show namely the process has the following main advantages : ① can mainly clear small suspended motes, algae, salt and solid impurities and contaminants such as phosphorus proud; ② flotation so namely the water of liquefied oxygen content has been greatly additional, effectively enhanced the water quality of the context; ③ Easy operation and upkeep, automatic control can be effected; ④ shock load capacity,I both select to care for kid. In array to let the chikidt the best attention and growth, water quality, water alterations and good adaptability.
3) photocatalytic degradation in water by addition a decisive value of photosensitive semiconductor stuff, the use of solar water purification.
1.3 biochemical approach disinfectant
1) biological oxidation is warmhearted secondhand in micro-biological adjoin oxidation treatment of dirty source water, the general removal of CODMn, NH3-N, respectively, up to 20% to 30% and 80% 90%.
whether the initial landscape water into the water, and after added a high content of organic matter in water, biological treatment processes could be used to remove such pollutants, the current process is widely used in biological contact oxidation process, it has high efficiency, short hydraulic retention time, small footprint, the volume load, resistance to shock loading, no sludge bulking, sludge making is low, no sludge return, simple management, and steady operation.
the general use of biological contact oxidation are bacteria indeed present in raw water, but also added refined bacteria.

photosynthetic bacteria slightly polluted water refining deputy in the biological treatment method of adding bacteria are extra domestic and exotic research such as Japan, South Korea, Australia and additional countries with the water running regularly to the photosynthetic bacteria, photosynthetic bacteria can use as light and oxygen to slightly polluted water or wastewater inorganic and organic carbon and other nutrients into the cell, which can melodrama a role in water purification. This method is uncomplicated process, no built structures, infrastructure and expenses province and so on. But the price of higher species, and for light vigor from the photosynthetic bacteria is a bacteria, do no contain nitrification and denitrification bacteria category, nitrogen, phosphorus and other plant nutrients can merely COD: N: P = 100:5:1 ratio of removal, therefore, can not solve the problem of eutrophication.
② merged merged colony
Bacterial pollution of water by the bacteria instantly insulated groups, culture is milk-white white, smooth method counts the digit of bacteria per milliliter of not less than 60 million. primarily with photosynthetic bacteria, yeasts, molds, actinomycetes monocytogenes dozens of species of bacteria.
2) layer bioreactor in the reactor, with a microfiltration membrane or ultrafiltration membrane to separate the influent and effluent and sludge in the water part of the mores or activated sludge into a good training and exposure gas, the water quality can not only remove the COD,beijing escort, NH3-N, and, high turbidity, the CAS Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics that their hospital treatment by the landscape of water. 1.4 Ecological approach ecological approach is essentially biochemical methods.
1) PBB PBB method is in situ methods of physical, biological, chemical and biological remediation technologies, primarily water aerobics to water and regular vaccination has the role of complex microbial. PBB is an effective method to In adding to nitrate, effectively by beneficial microorganisms, algae, adsorption of water plants, etc., under anaerobic conditions in the deep sediment denitrification of nitrate into gaseous nitrogen, and then rose to the surface to return the air. suppression and removal of phosphorus and nitrogen The chemical machinery, although different, but they need superfluity of oxygen, oxygen is the basic condition of water environment management. So PBB method using the impeller aerator, it has good water governance landscape functions.
2) biological filter Ditch
biological filter ditch the traditional sand filters and wetlands pond-bed combined portfolio approach, which uses multi-level drip of water aeration, the water can effectively control the savour, ammonia nitrogen amount and improve the organic material removal.
process of this usage shown in Figure 1, the raw water through the water with a grid of wells afterward the removal of large drifting through the water pump upgrade, and then grind through 3 or water down the sink later the water into the aeration folk ditch aerobic biological percolate. wrinkle aerobic biological filter according to the another packing gravel segment is divided into two segments and the carbon leftovers, followed by purification factory bed and ecological ditch, the water tank were explicit, the last efflux. < br> ditch the advantages of biological filter:
① ditch biological filter at chamber temperature, the urban landscape treatment of contaminated water, can control the water repugnant color, smell, savor and other sensory features, and ammonia are certain removal.
② biological filter trench generally cheap biomass, merely the root zone of plants rich biofilm, can effectively remove organic contaminants.
3) A Keman ecological purification technology, a specialized contractor of cloth ambition be placed in the wetland, pool or building, it can invest 245m3/m2 specific surface area because gainful microorganisms and algae in water breeding, cater addition surface supplemented aerobic and anaerobic conditions, tin greatly depress water COD, NH3, TP, TN, using such technology units of South China University of Technology, for the handling of servant sewage, wastewater treatment plant Gongbei sewage treatment. The role of water treatment chemicals processing

end of the experiment

Experiment has been done ,
to a group of the maximum savage sharks and tropical fish in 1 pool ,
then separated along glass ,
first ,
sharks often break That day Do no look the cup ,
how this resistance is futile ,
it still can not go over to the opposite .
and laboratory personnel every day, put some carp in the pool ,
so the shark did not Lack of pillage ,
but it still want to cross ,shanghai massage,
absence to try the taste of the beauteous ,
day is constantly crash That glass ,
tried every corner of it ,drawing Address,
Every effort namely exhausted ,
but every time, all get the scars ,
entire body several times with bleeding ,
proceeded for some days ,
seemed whenever the glass Cracks ,beijing escort,
laboratory personnel immediately with a thicker glass .
later , the Sharks no longer crash That glass ,
for those who Colorful tropical fish are no longer cared ,
wall as whether they just Murals will be moving ashore ,
it starts waiting because the daytime will be fixed carp ,
then accustomed his fast hunting instinct ,
favor going back to the sea potent vicious domineering ,shanghai massage,
but This is all just counterfeit like just ,shanghai escort,
experiment at the end of the stage ,
glass laboratory personnel will be cleared ,
but the shark did not react ,
in a day is fixed in the local voyage It not merely cornered a blind eye to those tropical fish ,
even when those carp ran to the side ,
he immediately abandon the chase ,
that past does not hope .
end of the experiment ,
laboratory personnel jeer at sea sharks are the most cowardly of fish .
who had lost adore , merely know why ...
sharks are fearful of the anguish .
saw that my heart hope you feel nice ...
Not a shark ......

aboard the an hand enhance the physical condition

Now must publish this appeal: the and look at the situation in the near future, have a bearing on the health of our 3 major events.
with the news that the absence of efficient control amounts, avian influenza, encephalitis, or other types of plague eruption is likely this year will be a serious threat to human health hh
We always know thatavian influenza from avian influenza, but there have been several cases of person infection with bird flu, in circumstance of infection alternatively between the virus mutates, the avian flu coverage speed ambition be far greater than the corresponding rate of vaccine research, there ambition be the last century, the tragedy of that pandemic, and even extra serious situation.
encephalitis in China in the last year there have been the premier outbreak in some areas, winter and spring, spring and summer, has always been one lively period of plague, such as infectious diseases favor SARS tin accessible occur during this period, recurrence and dissemination. It is said that Beijing's famous fish market, a recent cholera. suffering from encephalitis, a lot of is occasioned by eating delicacies, primarily seafood, prawns,toronto escorts, crabs and the favor, it is tough to assure that no current viruses.
if we reflect, civet cats and SARS, aquatic productions and the pestilence, encephalitis hh
Do We have not found a growing number of unknown diseases and the emergence of the virus is human ecology, other living things for a domineering revenge you, as those who have been slaying animals as food we were of a foul smells you?
have attacked the human pestilence ailments were transmitted Review
time mortality
animal plague rats, fleas in the 6th century 30% -100%
chicken cholera, 30% -100% in the 18th century Ebola rodents
1976 50% ~ 90%
suspected HIV African green apes 61%
crazy cow disease in 1980,shanghai massage, 1985, 100%
cow bird flu poultry, pigeons, 1997 33.3%
Nipah virus flying fox almost 50% in 1998 Shakespeare
monkeypox Kong in 2003 10%
prairie dogs on this planet,shanghai escort, not only was this variety of animal survival, as well as Many animals live with us in sharing the planet. recommend watching a documentary, was broadcast at the CCTV had in the SARS period, cried health angles, of the folk to eat their fill the killing of savage animals, the impact of adverse consequences of health and ecological poise. this documentary shot in a lot of very fearful, if we read After the heart has not a trace of vibrate and reflection, so that people who had not different from animals.
vegetarian immediately to talk about the problem. Maybe you do not like vegetarian, perhaps you have a vegetarian diet. But I mention, we have to change in lifestyle: Veg.
before years, referring to a vegetarian, there are forever a lot of religious overtones that the Buddhist precepts of the limit. But in recent years as awareness of the change, promoting vegetarianism, but likewise formed A mores of non-small, markets also arose sporadic vegetarian canteen, a lot of arty people out of these places at intervals the beginning. But the scientific basis of vegetarianism are very few people interested, we recommend you see by Lai Dr. articles on vegetarian and health, and his thinking of scientific articles and train guidance. our journal nutrients the body absences to run entirely from cereals,so in contrast, vegetables and other food acquired from the human body's absorbent system structure point of outlook, but also closer to the chief food source of plant-animal's absorbent system hh
Therefore, I impulse you to read this treatise, and gradually alteration your diet to cereals and vegetables,shanghai massage, increases alternative animal edibles, aboard the one hand cultivate the physical condition, more important aspect namely to adore living in other animals above the planet, protect the lives of us all.
maybe my statement is not very explicit and therefore reminded us to re-reference the following information:
1 . documentary >

so in contrast

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5 9, a large number of toad discovered in Mianzhu aboveboard migration, run over the road a lot, many people worried about earthquakes, how do you think television is it? is simply too talented! invited an expert 忽悠 all that is normal to move the toad migration was not necessarily associated with the earthquake may surroundings changed for the better, they rushed to the current residential areas, the move only hello ah, in short, the situation is eminent, paradise Xiang Rui Yunyun, people said angrily: reserve a jug of experts works as raising a few toads. May 9, Jiangsu Province Taizhou city of eastern bridge suddenly emerged on the dense mass of tens of thousands of mini toads. These small toads from the bridge of the old canal climbed through Young, and by a climb up the bridge ramp. on the bridge, a small Toad teeth lined up along the road,shanghai escort, a powerful long queue to the other side of the bridge climbing, orderly, and the scene spectacular. According to experts, this strange phenomenon is chiefly due to the recent water hypoxia , a large number of small toads to find a new alive space, only the collective migration. (May 9 People's Network)
The frog is a near friend of mankind, which not only sing in the spring and summer, on-time forecast of the ploughing season as farmers, but also in the food chain to doing for cylinder called toad sweat, and presently there will be cumbersome rain. oxygen, water everywhere is polluted in the face of the reality, The river has all been crystal clear, immediately they are contaminated for it is! deserving to the excessive influence of sewage plant upwards, smelly dark overnight, thousands of fish died suddenly an night, the environmental protection division in the investigation. ; Wash rice and vegetables sixties; seventies drinking irrigation; bad eighties; nineties fish Marie. a diversity of creatures, including frog general treasure of always mankind. Each category extinct, many species are harbingers of impending decease. exist on Earth in the top ten threats, serious pollution of rill water among the top 1st, fewer and less water resources, impair aquatic beasts and people health. protect the frog is to protect ourselves, not fair students in a superb essay of aphorisms, when the nature of the pollution incidents, pollution incidents, the time to pay painful cost for return our common heating
3 months: When we showed the knife to face challenges of sovereignty
4 months: the humiliation we underwent no turning back when the blaze
4 months: When the virus is swallowed up of life we ​​love to make up
April 28: When the train trails out of our dedication to assist
5 12: Split Earth when we shook the provision of road
mountains fuel, China!
the Chinese people to unite and rejuvenate the Chinese country, ghost block kill the ghosts, stop hack Buddha Buddha!
one eventful year for China this year, let us congratulate nation safe!
days will drip any country in Sri Lanka also, we must first under the snow, up their prices or their stock mall, grasp the torch, buffet the train, shock of their land, then the Olympic success, to retrieve Taiwan, Japan surrendered, the U.S. division, the European war, Chinese rule the roost!
want to know more of China and the world political hot entertainment news, smart pictures Click
with Chairman, Vice-Chairmen, Members of the magistrates, discriminated in the Standing Committee, Central Committee Members, discriminated party, discriminated guests and work colleagues, party members: all good!
At this moment, standing here, facing you, facing the portrait of Sun Yat-sen Prime Minister and the party flag, the heart is really fraught with feeling, feeling and infinite.
I think I faced, in fact, Chinese Nationalist Party 110 years of tradition and prestige, devotion and mash, frustrated and muddled, adhere to and duty. I faced, it is a historical site.
In this scene, we made the commitment and efforts will change the future destiny of the Chinese Kuomintang, Taiwan's destiny, the destiny of the Republic of China.
We appreciate the President even five years antecedent to make the democratic reforms of party member, the KMT have the opportunity to show his confidence and vitality, while We are also thankful to President Wang, for his election, a male of warfare attach, only the prestige of the KMT chairman in even the the maximum point.
【Glory to the party's staff and members】
I wish to thank all the party workmen and colleagues, because we put the party chairmanship election is just, just and open, that makes what I said , and so the effectiveness can be demonstrated. According to the United Daily News survey on July 17 percent of Sixty-three people and eighty-three percent of KMT members that the election is fair; seventy percent Four national and ninety-six percent of KMT members of the election results were satisfactory; more importantly, KMT Chairman Lien visited the mainland before the opinion is thirty-seven% satisfaction, dissatisfaction is forty III; But even the President visit to the mainland in the back, to the satisfaction of public opinion reversed, to become forty-three% satisfaction, dissatisfaction into thirty-seven%; after a distinction of twelve points.
then party chairman after the election, satisfaction also rose to forty-nine%, dissatisfaction fell to xxvi. after twenty-three ratio points difference, which is two thousand years since the party circular for years, the KMT's most classic moment. These are the efforts of you party members to partake and actively promote the results, we owe it to ourselves to encourage a palm.
】 【move people demand reform in the end why our
Party members over fifty percentage of voter turnout, why the party chairman afterward the election, the KMT itself and outside the KMT's impetus like to improve? I calculate the most important cause is that this century-old KMT dare to open up the plenary party, so that one vote, one vote of all party members to pick their own party chairman; this with the DPP, they are specified at the political strongman nominees sprinting for the same amount, less than two percent of the undemocratic practices of low turnout, the formation of strong contrast, this is our key to win support.
Second, whether President Wang alternatively I, which are made in the voting is not the same, they are compliant participation and involvement,shanghai massage, their eagerness, energy and confidence to show it.
Why? because over the past five years, we are also harsh, also painful, you must dislike the blue and the KMT iron Indignation and not Chenggang quite tall expectations; depressed for five years also look inward to the KMT in Taiwan society, it can actually cheer up, to play the role of a good opposition party, the ruling party made actually effective supervision; people look inward to an inclusive and broad KMT role of political parties to decide battles; people look forward to the KMT in a rational and peaceful neatness, you can control the DPP's populist; people look forward to justify the Nationalist Republic of China, opposition the ***, so that both sides preserve a peaceable and stable location; People really look inward to the KMT reform, elimination of corruption and become a decent, clean,1.5 above either sides of the expressway reserved as Drive, honest, a fighting party. This is the future task of the KMT, but also the challenge of my inevitable.
【This is the worst of times 】
British novelist who wrote, a democratic rule of statute, but we run into one of the least attention to the leader of democracy and the rule of law; in the community should maintain impartiality of the electoral authorities, schools, the media, have been manipulated to lose their reputation; Gengrang people ascertain outrageous is that agent brains of state comprised in a important shooting cases in the field is devastated, the attackers dead, ferocious pistol missing, there is no direct evidence, the circumstance of family naturalness, was skillful to affirm closed, this is a democratic rule of law phenomenon you should have?
We can also look the other is our economy the worst in five years to Taiwan's economy growth is the lowest in fifty years, we have the highest digit of jobless is fifty years, we the largest number of suicides is the past fifty years, and the entity that makes us sorrowful is that in two thousand years when the ruling party, South Korea's per capita income is also less our four thousand greenbacks, this year they have more than us; we should not forget to 8 years ago when the Asian economy crisis, South Korea, pathetic muff, financial bad to have to work to the International Monetary Fund to take over the point where South Korea is now up; in the eastern economic crisis, Taiwan's Council for Economic Planning, the KMT vice Under the leading of President Vincent Siew, we can maintain the 4.6 percent economic growth, so in contrast, the KMT-led government was not afraid of the economic crisis, as we stabilize the housing, and the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party government to the hands of a , we actually make South Korea more than us, and we had a chance in a decade of economic growth to catch up with Greece, Spain and Italy, but the DPP government allows the Taiwan's economy beyond and further away.
principally Lien After the visit to the mainland because of Taiwan fruits to the mainland to enhance open, and the mainland to come to Taiwan for the Taiwan people have a lot of opportunities, but we look at the DPP government to do what? Government has not brought the KMT results, then proceed to implement, but everywhere restrictions, the DPP administration is fearful of the KMT to ?
talk about our freedom of the press, the DPP's founding ancestors to martyrdom in order to shield freedom of the reception of Health, Chen Shui-bian has said, rather to the media, not government; but now we see how the treatment of the DPP government media? agree in and a free press, we have democracy? This will make many of the older generation struggle for Taiwanese democracy ashamed.
【This is the best of times】
While this is the worst of times, and most agreeable times. Why? First, the Prime Minister Zhongshan in the revolution, he has what? no fiscal resources and manpower. But now the KMT has a million members approximately the earth skirmish, we have the country's aptitude, talent, experience, profession . Ladies and gentlemen, this is the strength of our comeback.
more importantly, for the ruling party's haughty incompetence, Taiwan began to realize that, and they do not half-trillion five-year balloon, they ambition real meat, they permanence of the work, they must a better life, the KMT will have a become this time, people die, people look governance, this is the opportunity the KMT.
people to implement democracy, and they understand you do no do to substitutions . Therefore, the DPP did not, we must face the dare of alteration in ruling parties; that namely, whether the KMT did well, we have the chance to replace it; we ought be concerned approximately namely not there anybody resources, merely there is not decision! not namely we panic there is not oppression, yet we have the bravery to see at! as long as we are resolved to reform and push amenable, we believe namely control over resources, constantly oppression aboard the DPP to us under the threat and they tin make a comeback and they can triumph assist of the people.
【seven characteristic as the need to reform the KMT】
here, I proposed reform of the KMT's 7 perfected and you encourage each other.
First, we should cling to the central idea of ​​the so-called centre
Thought is the father of Will: Three People's Principles. starting from the Three People's Principles, we must defend the Three People's Principles, and resolutely opposed to ***, we want to discard the Chinese Communists one country, we will go our way to go.
Second, we to deepen democracy among the celebration
want to party legislature, the party's framework more democratic, and we hope the KMT can further be a real democratic political party. Therefore, public opinion in mandate to expand the Central Standing Committee, we hope you can party directly elected from among members of the Central Standing Committee; while also giving the Central Standing Committee, respectively, the central committee and party, they and the related local area of ​​responsibility, so the future can be opened for each area of ​​responsibility of our satisfactory results. As for the cities and counties The chairman of the party headquarters, the Central Standing Committee has accepted in March this year, instantly elected by party members. these reforms, we will rectify the party constitution and the supporting amounts ready, it begins to implement.
Third, we must expand the pedestal of the party
pool party accordance that we single were not enough, final year's electoral votes blue and green sides are about 6.5 million votes, we are only one million party members, how do we fight for more than five million increased votes? Therefore, we have to fight voters, how do we fight for sway voters? We want to activity a muscular, but the character of reasonable opposition, not to oppose the disapproval, but the struggle, and we can not concession that. goal, we must establish itself as a chaste, clean, honest, a fighting compel, a good election machine, this way we can attract the support of voters.
the election of the Central Committee unprecedented warm, and many are actively canvassing party, supper and gift-giving occurred in the quondam the phenomenon, this time there, but many people told me from the quondam, has been greatly improved; I wish that we continue to amend, gifts mores gradually vanished.
another we have to increase young party members, you know, twenty to twenty-year-old is our weakest link, how to increase? I'm going to do, can be directly elected for a term of one year, the total head acting as the party's deputy chairman. thirty-one seats in the Standing Committee being also reserved a seat for young students, giving students the opportunity which the Standing Committee to enable students to see , a century-old is how it works. This is an important indicator of the Kuomintang younger.
Fourth, we have to activate the party's organizational
the future we hope to streamline the party, you can recruit a large number of volunteers, so that Chi Workers replace the party workers; but also to make unions Each of the districts of Taiwan must pay attention to, and I specifically requested creature in the Central Standing Committee, to retain a seat to the the product of the Central Standing Committee, make them feel the importance the CPC Central Committee for the grassroots. after the Central Standing Committee conference, I would like to invite party representatives heeding the hope that the Central Standing Committee meets monthly to the countryside, hoping the party chairman and the members each month to the village, the party's work peer discussion, and hope to area of ​​responsibility for the founding vice chairman of the Standing Committee, Central Committee, party officials and party members on a normal root with the basic machinery of interaction. E-mail President headquarters will be set, abbreviating and other counties Party the distance, really, It is a poise, but occasionally also a burden of party assets. I comprehend the situation in the after handling of a clear schedule set in 2008 prior to complete processing. the party would wait for the judicial part of the making squabble solution process if the misconduct, we are willing to donate, but we have a legitimate part of the holder or the sale, we will to do it. hope you can understand our citizen commitment to handle with party assets, but also called on the ruling party not to accustom improper method to inhibit our treatment of party assets. Meanwhile, the party workers to a standing ovation part of the Labor Standards Law than we give more favorable conditions for the devoted efforts of these comrades of the party, leaving the KMT to give more time appropriate attention.
Seventh, we must integrate the pan-blue parties
I always say there is no pan-blue grass-roots, but how to integrate? There are three principles, first, esteem public opinion, the second is to develop mutual believe, the first Third, establish a system. In this way, in the Congress, in the policy, the bill, in the elections, step by step to taper the distance between us. Finally, we hope that finally the three pan-blue parties to incorporate.
Also, I will spend time in the future, that belongs to the KMT's local paper, let everybody know thatthe KMT is not a foreign party, in 1897, something added an antique Revive China Society of Taiwan's political parties. if we can achieve these goal, said that it has built gainful conditions, have the opportunity to return to power in 2008.
But no material the opposition or in the future is now the ruling, must be to sink in Taiwan now to save over. I made four Index:
First, the honesty of the political battles
We hope that because political parties have no credibility occasioned by the situation can change. For more than a year ago, an abroad wanted the words, than the president, then more trust. president also said, rather to the media, not government, but we can see, he is rather to the government, not the media, we say that right? We want to see is that political figures according the way consistently. hope that the KMT can be the first to show good faith, the future of the party also must be playing for real. hope that every file and reports must be true, before they can get the confidence of party members and the people.
Secondly,shanghai escort, justice in this society
society has been the DPP will soon do a cut, and we should call for br> Today, Taiwan's economy continues to do if go on like this,shanghai massage, not to advert Paul IV, will have difficulty even Conservative. According to forecasts, this year can be up to three and three, that's beautiful good. and then like this, then, is not foreign to Taiwan, the country's investment does not increase, we must hurry to promote cross-strait straight flights, grant foreign investors to regard Taiwan as its Asia Pacific operations center, but also to Taiwan to Taiwan as its global actions center, Taiwan's economy this way just obtain up and save.
fourth, win-win cross-strait relations
We hope the two sides with the President and the five Chinese chairmen reached a common vision, the way of our future efforts, while the KMT in the future cross-strait policy on the one hand to adhere to the main body of the Republic of China, on the one hand to cross-strait truce as the goal, politically, economically and culturally, step by step to narrow the distance between the two sides, to Taiwan's long-term this is advantageous . I think the KMT is very strong cross-strait relations is a project, I hope my colleagues can be related to affirmative efforts to create a win-win situation, the KMT continued to score in this area.
Finally, I would like to report that I have peruse Sun Yat-sen in The most exciting segment of the will, that is, first, every time I read here, there is a very deep consciousness, because the father died when he was leaving, but also especially sharp advised his 4 years of the revolution the biggest lesson studied is to arouse people, and ally in the world to wait for my citizen level, a common struggle. Therefore, we absence to reform, to knit, to grow, but how to attain goals? is to be favor the father said, to arouse the people, the common struggle.
so Starting today, let us coil up their sleeves, put on shoes, steps, grass-roots level, to promote reform, to arouse the people, the common struggle, China and the world political hot entertainment news, beautiful pictures, please click

decrease clash aboard biodiversity

Komatsu Group, as a global international, and all carry the load cutback activities in the Earth's surroundings as an essential heading in business in June .2010, Komatsu Group namely the native to carry out the activities from the 4 areas. Recently on,shanghai escort, he by the global,third Sunday of May every year, the whole group carried out among the wide protection last year, the current the the magnitude of biological diversity, and judged to carry out advantageous to the protection of biological diversity in social contribution activities, business activities devised to alleviate the latent impacts on biological diversity of the environmental load.
In truth, the Komatsu Group has at present carried out a number of biodiversity conservation activities, such as: green environment nigh the plant, the site of the new training megalopolis within the foster plantation (Komatsu plant site), Komatsu factory in the UK to build a community environment,shanghai escort, planting trees in Indonesia and refining bio-diesel fuel and so on. Now,shanghai massage, with centralized elements), and distributed in groups nigh the earth to carry out the various elements with the specifics of each region, correlates and interaction with the host community as the comprehension of peaceable coexistence with nature's wealthy and make due contributions to society.
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【Komatsu Declaration of biodiversity 】
Komatsu in a conservation of biological diversity and its sustainable use, in accordance with the following guidelines for operation.
Ⅰ (learning treatment membrane)
management of biodiversity conservation as an of the important topics remedied.
Ⅱ (activities )
primarily through the retinue two perspectives, combined with comprehensive weather alteration activities.
1. via business activities, reduce clash aboard biodiversity, environmental load.
(1) reducing product environmental Load
(2) reduced production life wheel environmental load directly
(3) to consider land use impact on biodiversity
2. contributions to the community through activities, biodiversity conservation to contribute.
Ⅲ (ahead method)
think the potentiality of realizing, by way of gradually promoting activities.
Ⅳ (in collaboration with the host region)
roots in mandate to defend biodiversity in the district of, by and executive agencies, where the regional dwellers, NGO collaboration to promote such activities to be proud of your district of ​​business for the goal.
Ⅴ (full participation in the play)
to rig biological the concept of hireling diversity, mobilization activities apt promote full participation. Therefore, the collaborative activities including not merely corporate,beijing massage, merely likewise send buyers to inflate the coverage of the universal team.
Ⅵ (AC)
committed to launching the biological diversity of employees of pedagogy, when the positive go of their own message disclosure, improve the community's class of awareness of biodiversity conservation.

outlook Is no the same

go to the park from the sanitation ,beijing escort, the zoo has been proficient to come to the top cable car ,toronto escorts, cable car is not open to the zoo , so the pedestrian can work ,shanghai massage, and standing altitude to see Dalian,from Tsunami in Indonesia, seeing the sea , outlook Is not the same,beijing escort, to share with you .

MSN Spaces perfect migrate to the Sina blog !

the way it is climbing to the top of the hill

since there is such a plank road and the asphalt The road .

front of the zoo two , numerous human are not climbing up , but the car directly to open up by the coastal road .

from Here to go up to the cable car to the local zoo .

afar cable car .

overlooking Xinghai Bay .

front gate overlooking the zoo .

overlooking Xinghai Bay .

Zoo one and two cable car connection .

overlooking the coastal road .

light and shadow .

< br>