Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the appointment of publish even with 20 meters away

Reporter Zhen Jinghui
a conservative estimate, Guangdong Province, no less than yearly consumption of 100,000 crocodiles,The warship suddenly sank, but also according to industry estimates, the crocodile of unknown origin accounted for about 70% actually. Crocodiles sometimes landing, when the infiltration of water , in the end who is management? Forestry, or the fisheries sector?
2008 年 12 months, reporters in the Web quest engine, type Crocodile tight, business card. be persisted to augment the business, such as the fierce reptile food of obtaining popular, traditional Cantonese diet to have transform major areas of consumption crocodile nation. conservative estimate at least 100,000 a year to be eating crocodile's stomach in Guangdong .
However, as an internationally defended jeopardized savage beasts, crocodiles import, breeding and management have always been, The , is strictly controlled in the circumstance of imports, the so-called Market .2008 December 14 and January 7, 2009, two reporters here, the market recorded sales of crocodile crocodile alive alternatively hanging stalls selling licenses at least 10.
While each stalls can provide the Guangdong Marine Fisheries Council (Sea Fisheries Board) issued permit or business license tame a copy of boom. But look closely will find that some herds intonation crocodile tied see secluded chapters of bad losses, and some physically with multiple wounds reasoned by scratching.
industry knows from its own breeding farm or domestic legal imports of crocodile leather is represented by the faultless light,toronto escort, there will be no tie for too long the tone of the mouth caused by dress and cut transport. If a crocodile snout and limbs have manifest injuries, it is very promising to be smuggled through illegal channels to come.
yellow Shanan station sales zone there is a crocodile is a small market stall, the massacre, the crocodile meat and crocodile live quotes, respectively, compared Low silhouette important wholesale 5 yuan / kg and 2 yuan / kg, the reporter to acquire tame fan stall card, ascertain the above farm name, the appointment of issue even with 20 meters away, another wholesale same point.
is a farm with distribution, please? business cards, published with the sometime farms and other information, address and call, while the latter only stall pair of phone numbers.
This is the industry referred to as and business cards through the copy hanging in the number of stalls, and a multi-purpose card, who is the real wholesale and retail business with legal qualifications, who is downright smuggler, the client is difficult to discriminate.
farms and certificates, some people actually use, actually rotated into a crocodile smuggled rinsed identity l r tools. even the point of sale in the farm, in fact, miscellaneous with a lot of smuggling crocodiles. Xu field off by disclosing mysterious within the industry.
crocodile smuggled alley
and press conferences before Mr. Hsu cautious consideration: straighten it? confusion similarity of the precipice have been smuggled, he will not do.
crocodiles are animals known crocodile brain, the earth total of 23 species of crocodile, alligator, only countryman to China, currently the vast crocodiles for commercial use Most of the foreign crocodile species, there are crocodile, Nile crocodile and the Siamese crocodile.
crocodile farming industry is not perplexing, Guangdong, the province only increase up to more than 30 farms, who is a regular fan assist base, who is large smuggling and other message in the industry very transparent.
transported to Guangdong sale.
Nile crocodile and the Siamese crocodile and additional species of the genus in Southeast Asia, cheap cost of crocodile farming in Vietnam: no special skills and care put into lukewarm winter, at the peak of digging a tarn, feed more trash, When crocodiles grow to around two to three years, to be sold instantly to China's , and not for export checkup and approval to the crocodile by the boundary of Guangxi and Vietnam shipped back to China, but also the control of Vietnam to the Vietnamese border smuggling unions to pay 20 yuan / End of then alter the applied its law. live alligator crossroads number of a common reach is to rent regional folk, tied crocodile's jaws, each back a crocodile, cost a daytime through the border; and illegal immigration crocodile meat are often merged in with legitimate imports of transport vehicles in transit, sometimes in the frozen meat import rations approval is 100 kg, but the actual number of more than 300 kilograms of transit.
crocodile smuggled into Guangxi, will be a number of foster attention to Guangxi Fan card with a tame breeding farms, and then apply for transport permits, to the fish farm in Guangdong.
farms had the who knowingly smuggling more than 10,000 farms have four, that Guangzhou Crocodile Park, Jeong Hill farms, macro interest in Maoming, Shantou City Development Corporation and the crocodile triumphs Culture Association Limited mm province has a total of four breeding places more than half of livestock on hand crocodile However, the market share in the sales add up to but less than 10%. But while a few farms, the total add up to less than 10,000 on hand, but most of the crocodile monopoly sales of Guangdong.
coincidence is held ahead the 4 farms are published at the Guangdong Forestry Bureau tame fan card, behind a few farms tame fan card is issued along the Bureau of Guangdong Province's marine fisheries sector, alter certification mm, and the scale of farming, the interlock between market share difference is a coincidence or prerequisite?
Hui affirmative question to a reporter. in Guangdong, he called a crocodile farming industry in 1993, Mr Hui is introduced from Thailand in 1999 and 1000 kinds of alligator, crocodile farming began the road.
He told reporters that the servant scale of the cause for the limited number of crocodile farms, primarily due to investments in the sectors longer payback period. In the worldwide arena, and the production trade by the crocodile, commerce in commercial products.
is, the provisions of the State Forestry Administration, crocodile breeding fan base crocodile species introduced from foreign countries can not directly be commercial use, have to be successfully bred descendant only after the second generation of its sub-crocodile (species of crocodile future generations) in business.
the Siamese crocodile, case in point, the first 7 or eight species of crocodile began to enter the breeding, the introduction of child-bearing old to return crocodile species, the absence to experience a dessert of the day, after two years to produce sub- generation; the first generation also had 7 years to breed a second generation kid. Some crocodile species breeding cycle, notwithstanding shorter than the Siamese crocodile, but overall, most of the propagation and culture of China to enter commercial operation base in real time after 2003.
If the crocodile farming industry in Guangdong has been a sunny and sunny spring, and that is just large farms into commercial operation of phase two or three years ago. At that time the highest price of crocodile meat, 130 yuan / pounds or more. More importantly, the early strength of the domestic one of the few farms, and fashionable investors can not have with the age short-term farm competitiveness.
times, make a mini money, they instantly re-enter the expansion of assets. into the water, who ought control this? between government departments has not been conclusive.
not competing interests early, the default is the Forestry department, the early command for the forest farms are the word system. long-term handle with the alligator Conservation International Union (IUCN) Crocodile members of the Group, East China Normal University Vice-Chancellor Professor Wang Xiaoming, said he still did not know even the fisheries sector to exotic crocodile species have to approve the management of aquaculture.
location has changed since 2004. That year, the provincial fisheries department to approve a small crocodile farm run by suddenly everywhere.
. way to the State Forestry Administration and the Department of Fisheries documents: 2001, crocodilians resources, all at the national level management of key protected species; and 2001 Our crocodile protection by citizen secondary management of aquatic wildlife.
a key protected species and the two key plan differences between the protection of animals is reflected in where? First, bid for link farms, Bureau of Forestry of the site , breeding facilities, very seriously. Industry sources said the 40 acres the following venues, in the FDA approved it is very difficult. And to hire a an or two hundred square meters of small fields, constantly to the approval by the fisheries sector.
Second, in the business use, the FDA strictly limited only child of the second generation of synthetic breeding of crocodiles can be listed, and according to tag management, in counting to the pilot by the company Black Dragon Jiang Longying corporation logo, the other farms can only sell archives of frozen meat, not the direct listing of live crocodiles.
but the fisheries authorities have allowed the personalty of nuclear import of crocodile farms for straight affair, and its approval of the farms with no identity limitations, at all times the fisheries authorities to obtain operating permits issued to fish farms can be as direct sales market in the aquatic crocodiles live.
within the same industry, the two set of management criteria. Obviously, the word farm by the time the fishing line to combine, you can directly skip the Forest Department of the word investment in the evolution of early breeding farms, the difficult process technology, direct access and share the market at low cost.
Bureau of Fisheries under the Ministry of Agriculture public information, after 2004, only Beijing, Tianjin, Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Fujian and Liaoning provinces (cities), approved by the fishery administrative department of the crocodile breeding ground for a total of 16 assimilated, business use of company 70, approved Imports reached more than 25,000 alligator tail.
crocodile smuggling profits
for the involvement of the fisheries sector, forestry sector neither no response. back the development of market framework, is between the two authorities, Crocodile import approval documents issued from May 2006, the state Bureau of Forestry below the Endangered Species Import and Export Management Office, Department of the word fishing companies refused to grant the import certificate issued.
forestry and fisheries sector, the word counter blocked the Department of access to import crocodile farms, but the Forest Department of the word farm has not been protected. because the access to ignore the advertisement approval, the small farms in fact there are extra profiteering strategy.
1 16, a reporter came to Guangzhou Xing, Huadu District, North Middle School off a contiguous crocodile breeding. If people versed with the identification of non-simply can not imagine this is the sand wholesale market several crocodile farms in one of the accessible files. peripherals just old brick wall In addition to four soil pool ground, but without any infrastructure, visual covering about 200 square meters, there is only one pond of employees were left guarding .4 more than 100 crocodiles, without exception, have tied the mouth , and voyaged and did not find the aquaculture exclusion area and feeding tools, feed, etc..
; root to resolve the characteristics of the manufacture to invest the venue is entire really smuggled crocodiles.
On the self-reproduction, the cost of commercial imports and smuggling, in the long term, to reproduce the lowest cost of crocodiles, smuggling, followed by the most valuable commercial imports of high tariff rates.
farms in Guangdong, a technical staff to journalists generally costing the field by: Last of about 300 yuan per seedling; feed and fatigue input costs 70 yuan for the first year, second year 120, third and fourth year 250; to five years of slaughter The crocodile measured about 40 kilograms, and then embodied in the rent and other charges, the mean cost only 13 yuan / kg, lower than the cost of smuggling.
However,toronto escorts, whether the short-term benefits from the point of outlook, the opposite: the maximum gainful smuggling, followed by commercial imports, to procreate the maximum short-term competitive convenience mm deserving to the absence of farm inputs needed for numerous years shared the cost of the hardware and technology, and smuggling is the letter of the sleight of hand cheats.
Thus, when the sea in 2007 Council credential of the importing crocodile fishing has been restored, but the appetite of smugglers has been opened, the legal import of a number of delivery outlets can not encounter the interests of those who desire to pursue, but only for the smugglers to provide a more high-sounding ; the competent legislature that they imported 300 crocodiles, 200 sold today, and morrow there are still 300 here, the two cards by r l a legitimate cover, but the crocodile was sold several times the actual flow of imports on record. purchase and the shipping market pinnacle, while almost midnight, after another cafeteria approximately the procurement of Guangzhou, parked in front of a wholesale stalls, every traffic will be removed 3-5 crocodile. stall landlords to ensure that: goods, our storage on the side, there are some extremely ponderous meat. recorded 10 sales stalls crocodile, the crocodile tin be looked a total of almost 370 live, fresh crocodile bile 10, in which a crocodile fair hoisted signs, no crocodiles.
Hui told reporters to quit the breeding crocodile field cached in the aquaculture market time can not be also long, basically to cover situations every day, sometimes more than once a day to cover short situations. And even now 50% of breeding stock sales, only sand crocodile fish market, with sales of the year ~ 70,000 to 60,000. a conservative estimate, Guangdong Province, no less than annual consumption of crocodile 100,000.
along apt accused sources, the aggregate in Guangdong since 2007, agreed the import of merely 14,000 crocodiles. As the largest One plough in Guangzhou Crocodile Park namely not because marketing appearance the team live; Zhen Shan harvest sales of fewer than 2000 in 2008. even with the Guangxi from 2007 apt 2008 petitions for import of 35,000 crocodiles, crocodile valid sources estimated consumption and the market is still a distinction of 50%.
when thinking the import of some crocodiles have not sold in the market, but also crocodiles and Guangxi, not all imports are sold to Guangdong, the crocodile of unknown origin accounted for 70% of the proportion. < br> This is why the province accounted for 70% of breeding stock than Crocodile Lin, Department of the word farm sales only list for less than 30% market share, while only 30% of the province's alligator breeding stock below the word line fishing farms, has a monopoly over 70% share of sales.
departments in the management of this industry is laborious to standardize their implementation of forcible management. also declined a reporter's request for one interview.
a long time for the restriction of government departments, the opinion, the regular farm owners are generally very disappointed: > looking ahead to the unified management of
2009 年 1 7, sand fish market alligator meat sold at fewest 35 yuan / kg, live crocodiles attempt fell 30 yuan / kg, but not above the / kg cost.
As said earlier, the circulation and civilization base in the long run more cost is actually more than advantage of smuggling, their plight is that so many years of sharing technology and hardware investment down in the short term prices will be dragged tall. Only when the development of industry codes, the cost gradually smoothing, the market price will stabilize at a reasonable balance on small profit margins. But before entering the ideal stage, the market structure was premier rent by smuggling by merchants.
there may be health hazards, and opposed to the intention of diet. find out the way; Unfortunately, because of funding necklace breaks and even mortality.
2006, Hainan's most outstanding theme park crocodile Silver Dragon wide water crocodile breeding base declared bankrupt; and Guangzhou Crocodile Park is disinclined to participate in price wars, the product of crocodile only in sales among the Group.
This actually forms a wrong money pedals out good money market situation. The end outcome is the market overran with products full of security risks, but the price may not be capable to continue to stay low.
2008 年 2 months, regular farms have in the wholesale and retail market rout, suspected of smuggling some major farm operations can not wait to set up the main the interests of the union .2 to 6 months the end of Huadu District, Guangzhou City, the two farms, the Sands and the Baiyun district of a farm farms unified price, the beginning of 36 yuan / catty about the price of live crocodiles raised to 60 / kg.
Baiyun District, distinct crocodile farm was established by the Sea Fisheries Board for approval before they crash the smuggling of farm interests of allies.
specialists as crocodiles, East China Normal University Vice-Chancellor Professor Wang Xiaoming claimed: propagation through the development of industry to fulfill the purpose of protecting endangered wildlife. But crocodiles are plainly protected by CITES species, all management standards should be loyal with the provisions of CITES, even if the domestic co-managed by multiple departments, at least they should be unified management standards.

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